Sunday, August 21, 2011

Don't Growl at Mr. Darcy

Hans has a problem with men. All men. At least at first anyway. When any man (short or tall) comes into the house, he starts barking at them. (This strikes me as hilarious as I type this because it suggests I have a lot of men visitors, which isn't really true and really depends on how you would number the amount in "a lot"). Once they've acknowledged him, of-course, he stops barking/growling. Even when my dad was here, every time he came in the room he got barked at. It is really a bad habit I'm trying to break, but not quite sure how (so I am open to suggestions). However, today the problem worsened. I was watching Pride and Prejudice (undoubtably the greatest love story of all time...I will not be argued with), this is the latest version (the one with Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen) and although I will say that the Colin Firth version will forever be the best version, I enjoy this one as well. Enter the scene where Mr. Bingley comes back to Netherfield in order to propose to Jane and they come to the Bennet house. As soon as we see a solo shot of Mr. Darcy Hans starts to growl under his breath (and as they pan on him even more, the growl gets deeper and louder). Then at the climactic scene where Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth come together in the field at dawn, the growl begins again. As if Hans is trying to stay "Stay away Mr. Darcy, no room for you here". I think this is a really bad sign. My dog growls at Mr. Darcy. How is Mr. Darcy ever going to come sweep me off my feet in utter adoration now?

1 comment:

  1. I think Hans and Amyah share much in common. Instead of barking at men, she cries/screams when they enter our house and look at her or try to talk to her. She loses all self control when then attempt to touch her.
